Friday 16 December 2016

Evolution of mosquitoes

Evolution of mosquitoes made them to be noisy around their bloody subjects. However, it’s not something that helped the mosquitoes, rather it helped the bloody organism to become aware and develop (evolve) means to kill the attacker - the mosquito. 

Tuesday 8 November 2016

Devil knows God is good - Is Science declaring God as Good?

Scientific minds believe that:

  1. Matter destroys on reaching a black hole and is saved as digital information while none of them is in a range where we may observe any verify.
  2. We can peep into the past and the future from time slices from a distance far enough, when we have not read one information from the past or the future. 
  3. We are projections from a parallel world and that we are digital information. 
  4. That aliens built the mega structures that seems beyond the capacity of humans to build
What could be the base of just the four points above:
  1. Are they wondering how god will have all information of our past and present made public on the judgment day?
  2. Or how he may see information from thousands of years with just a blink of a eye? 
  3. Or what make God capable of foreseeing the our beginning and end right from the start of the universe? 
  4. Or copying the fallen angels story in the bible that said they were powerful beings capable of travelling between stars and doing things that are beyond human capacity.  
Is science finding facts or working based on information in the Bible? Is science trying to prove that God is good with his hidden knowledge?

Friday 30 October 2015

Going Crazy to Learn Facts & Truth

This is an exciting time. Science is discovering a lot about our space and about pre-historic life. The excitement is so much that they are becoming more and more convinced that there is life outside our earth and that we have evolved from lesser creatures.

We are moving ahead on assumptions and not science. However, it's not too far from falling on it's face and dealing again with reality. However, it's good that they are exploring every nook and corner. There is indeed an opportunity to discover truth. 

Tuesday 16 June 2015

I just cannot resist thinking that science is flawed... and there is proof every day that confirms my thinking

1. Egg is now considered healthy

2. Jackfruit is now considered good for diabetics
Well that's Indian science and many do not consider eastern science science.

3. This youtube video:

4. The age of the earth and earliest dates for the origin of man keeps moved backward because of new discoveries.
If science was used earlier to calculate these ages, that science becomes non-sense with new discoveries. Just keep watching news and you will also observe.

Science is just trying to figure out what the creator made. Scientist are bewildered with the limits set by human calculations when nature presents to the community that opens up it's eyes to natural wonders only step by step. We are yet to explore the extraordinary capabilities of lifeforms that live close to us. We are yet to discover what's inside and over the earth. What we sknow about the space around us is only about the best guesses individual explorers make. What is aggreed upon by a community of scientist tend to change in a few decade. If the creator could not be awesome, those who trust him would never have glorified him. 

Wednesday 13 May 2015

Blind Faith in Man

Richard Dawkin's cannot win arguments with theologians, he fails miserably and feels embarrassed and is humiliated by his own stupidity. But like an ego hurt child he teams up with un-arguing people and writes skits with the brains of a 4 year old and makes videos and politely shows the world a moment where he is winning. He does grab appreciation!

Friday 25 April 2014

Science on Faith

Science is human venture to understand God's creation

Evolution science attempts to give vague explanation of creation details that are based on faith reasons that cannot be observed.

The science of History sometimes ends up with belief in aliens (that are as mystical and unencountered as pagan gods) when encountered with ancient architecture that modern machinery cannot build.