Monday 6 January 2014

Debunking Homeopathy - Shameful fallacies from the scientific world

Homeopathy has long been known to treat diseases.

1. Modern science uses electrical sparks to burn off acrochordon. The acrochordon keep returning and the only solution is to burn them off again. Good homeopaths give just a little liquid or globules to consume and completely cures and the recurrence of the same is greatly reduced (I am yet to see a complete cure though).

2. My relatives who are most of the dependent on homeopathy have reported that after various modern medicine treatments for a back pain caused by sports injury failed, they tried homeopathy and now the patient is completely cured.

3. There are millions others reporting that they are cured.

When even celebrities started declaring the curative powers of homeopathy, they brought the field of homeopathy under their scanner. They made a laughter stalk of themselves in my eyes with the kind of method they applied to arrive at a conclusion that there is no scientific evidence that homeopathy works or could work.

They prepared the sample medicines in lab with a kind of robotic dilution techniques. They did not consider samples from normal medicine preparation methods necessary for a comparative study.