Tuesday 16 June 2015

I just cannot resist thinking that science is flawed... and there is proof every day that confirms my thinking

1. Egg is now considered healthy

2. Jackfruit is now considered good for diabetics
Well that's Indian science and many do not consider eastern science science.

3. This youtube video:

4. The age of the earth and earliest dates for the origin of man keeps moved backward because of new discoveries.
If science was used earlier to calculate these ages, that science becomes non-sense with new discoveries. Just keep watching news and you will also observe.

Science is just trying to figure out what the creator made. Scientist are bewildered with the limits set by human calculations when nature presents to the community that opens up it's eyes to natural wonders only step by step. We are yet to explore the extraordinary capabilities of lifeforms that live close to us. We are yet to discover what's inside and over the earth. What we sknow about the space around us is only about the best guesses individual explorers make. What is aggreed upon by a community of scientist tend to change in a few decade. If the creator could not be awesome, those who trust him would never have glorified him.