Tuesday 31 December 2013

Living God

And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.

This verse is from the bible.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Vitamin C

How long did it take for the scientific world to understand that intake of vitamin C in the form a tablet was causing harm to the body?

Why does vitamin C in fruits and vegetable not cause that harm?

If science can take 50 or 100 years NOT yet understand the mechanism of absorption of vitamin C in the body. How can they look onto dead bones and tell that we evolved from monkeys. 

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Palm Tree Evolution

Science tells that an amoeba and not Adam is our ancestor. 

Well there was a brief period in my life when I heard them and thought them to be logical. Later I discovered that logic always meets with a dead end during a period. The dead end is always pushed a little more forward as wild thoughts and imagination of man makes a leap. Then there are efforts put to find favor for that imagination. Evolution is one hot favorite imagination that got so much attention or has it? 

This is called 'Kodam Pana' in Malayalam. This variety of palm stops feeding from the ground once it starts flowering. It flowers for about 6 to 7 times drawing energy with the stored food in it's trunk. It gives an alcoholic drink when cut. After all it's flowering the tree has completed it's life cycle and dies. 

At my home town in Kerala, I have quite a different variety of palms surrounding my dwelling. I wondered if scientist could actually arrange them like they arrange a variety of monkey and then a human at the forefront to demonstrate evolution. For my layman eyes it seemed quite impossible as each palm variety seems to have it's own distinctive features - color, trunk textures, leaf design and arrangement pattern, seed size shape texture and its protection gears, it's flowering periods, times and the number of time the might flower. There seem to be a too complicated variety to show an evolutionary arrangement. 

Large Beetle Nut

I am not claiming that there are not smart people out there who may not be able to make such an arrangement. However, it is surprising that when there is so many hue and cries about evolution and yet there is not one article available on palm evolution with Google search. I had presumed that such subjects might have been thoroughly researched before the claim of more than 90% of scientist of the world advocating about evolution. To my welkin that 90% must be a crazy lot on the subject. 

Small Beetle Nut

If morphing is done to shown palm evolution, maybe 10 slides could show us the changes that happened during evolution of one palm to the other. Going by the figures of just two percent of DNA difference between us and the chimps - Even in reality ten or less intermediate palms types could have brought about the so called evolutionary differences that we see today. Strangely these intermediaries always seem to be less tactical in survival. 

This palm decided it wants to stay in the gardens and thus planned only to flower and not to fruit

Scientists now claim that the science of yester yester yester yester yesteryears could have been more advanced or alien or more in other areas than what we have explored today. They see evidence of use of advance technologies in many historical sites. Could it be that smart chimps of that era could have fused some chromosomes to produce us but then they were not smart enough to leave us a trace or take care of their survival? 
This one again wanted to become a garden variety and hence decided to color itself in red

Before wild thoughts become wilder let me assume that this post has conveyed a message. 

With a Google search the variety is so much more:
oh yeah this surely is evolution - who would ask for proofs?

One variety just thought that human being would need oil and hence gave them just that. A picture will be included soon. This variety is used to extract palm oil. So palms give us alcohol, water, and oil. Whoever, instructs evolution to provide us all this, thought well about our needs. Wait a second, is evolution is about self-survival or about care for other living organisms. 

Miracles happen everywhere - Science does not venture

Many Christian fellowships here in Kerala attract a lot of crowd. Many are healed even of physical deformities and many are witnesses, for some it is a daily event. If scientists wish they need not deal with cases in the past. They could come and see things happening right in front of them and they could use their so called proof recording devices in the form of cameras or other medical analysis or whatever could satisfy their quest for a proof. Some do come and see and accept the existence of god, some fall in doubt (for good or for bad) and others ignore them and their work as they do not have an explanation. 

  • Return of eyesight and hearing are common
  • Some of the more bizarre once include vanish of huge tumours in an instant and that of a women conceiving and delivery a healthy child after undergoing a uterus removal operation
  • Return of an imputed limb might be still at large from the witnessing of the faithful folk. However, if a tumour can vanish and if a uterus is not absolute necessity for child bearing, the faithful only lack that mustard seed faith for demonstrating the same
There seems to be no end of Jesus healing people, who seek his mercy. And it's happening not just here in Kerala, but world over. 

I might be ridiculed as I am a layman without science at my rescue. I might be expected by the scientific world to shut my eyes and not witness the miracles that science cannot explain. Science is flawed as it only depends on the current human awareness. Science can accommodate within itself with all changing theories even if it overturns an absolute fact of the past. Kudos to some scientist who ventures to find reasons for the supernatural and to them that criticizes for they help in deepening the realms of investigation.