Wednesday 18 December 2013

Miracles happen everywhere - Science does not venture

Many Christian fellowships here in Kerala attract a lot of crowd. Many are healed even of physical deformities and many are witnesses, for some it is a daily event. If scientists wish they need not deal with cases in the past. They could come and see things happening right in front of them and they could use their so called proof recording devices in the form of cameras or other medical analysis or whatever could satisfy their quest for a proof. Some do come and see and accept the existence of god, some fall in doubt (for good or for bad) and others ignore them and their work as they do not have an explanation. 

  • Return of eyesight and hearing are common
  • Some of the more bizarre once include vanish of huge tumours in an instant and that of a women conceiving and delivery a healthy child after undergoing a uterus removal operation
  • Return of an imputed limb might be still at large from the witnessing of the faithful folk. However, if a tumour can vanish and if a uterus is not absolute necessity for child bearing, the faithful only lack that mustard seed faith for demonstrating the same
There seems to be no end of Jesus healing people, who seek his mercy. And it's happening not just here in Kerala, but world over. 

I might be ridiculed as I am a layman without science at my rescue. I might be expected by the scientific world to shut my eyes and not witness the miracles that science cannot explain. Science is flawed as it only depends on the current human awareness. Science can accommodate within itself with all changing theories even if it overturns an absolute fact of the past. Kudos to some scientist who ventures to find reasons for the supernatural and to them that criticizes for they help in deepening the realms of investigation.  

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