Saturday 29 March 2014

Colors of the natural world - What do you think they declare?

Evolutionists claim that the flowers developed colours in order to attract insects who would aid in pollination. It almost sounds like plants think and adapt to make use of the insects that roam around. If the plant did not think and act quickly to manufacture attractive colours, they would die out as a result of not being able to produce seeds.

Trees living up to 2000 years may have time to think and act. But how about plants that live for just 6 months? If evolution requires a lot of time. Plants with life of 5 months would have just perished. And if long living trees evolved from the short life ones how could they ever be there?

Now there are also many plants that do not flower and yet they are all attractive by the coloured leaves they have. What on earth forced them to be colourful? Even beetle nuts and coconuts are colourful. Did they colour themselves to attract the human so that they found food? The simple answer to these questions is that God made nature wonderful so that humans may see and know Him.

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