Monday 7 April 2014

Science will just ignore this - A prediction here with verifiable data

Now science does not venture into things that it CANNOT explain. I am sure I will be ignored on this matter, but if what ever I state here comes to pass, science will just ignore it as chance. I am asserting that it's a prediction from a person who has led many in the science world to become a Roman Catholics. Though I do not personally believe in the RC concepts, I am open minded in believing that people of that faith do demonstrate supernatural abilities.

I have heard numerous believable testimonies of predictions coming true. Hence, I do not want to miss an opportunity to pre-state this one in writing for a world to see. If it becomes true, science must acknowledge.

This is the prediction given:
A couple I know having trouble in having a baby have spent about Rs. 4.5 Lakh over the past 3 years on various infertility treatments. Everything failed. While the wife is an RC husband was an atheist. The husband went through various religious experiences and has now accepted the Christian teachings though in a RC way.

A person who could tell them various facts about their past and current family some even unknown to them but yet verifiable has assured them that they would have a baby by May 2015. I presume we will hear the good new in Aug-Sep this year. The prediction also states that a male child would be born. They have stopped all medical treatments and trust on God for the fulfillment of their wish for having a baby.

I am sure they will have all records of the treatment they have undergone. I hope they will share it with us on later dates. I will claim this prophecy as invalid if I am unable to procure the details. Science has nothing to loose nor would it affect my faith.

I will keep updating the post...   

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